

//SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED

pragma solidity 0.8.19;
import "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "contracts/MevShareCaptureLogger.sol";
import "./MevShareCTF.sol";

contract MevShareCTFNewContracts is MevShareCTFBase {
    uint256 public magicNumber;

    // maps addresses to child contracts, acts both as check for valid caller and which CTF is being targeted
    //  value of 1 = emitted by address
    //  value of 2 = emitted by salt
    mapping (address => uint256) childContracts;

    event Activate(address newlyDeployedContract);
    event ActivateBySalt(bytes32 salt);

    constructor(MevShareCaptureLogger _mevShareCaptureLogger) MevShareCTFBase(_mevShareCaptureLogger) payable {

    function proxyRegisterCapture() external {
        uint256 childContractType = childContracts[msg.sender];
        if (childContractType == 0) {
            revert("Not called by a child contract");
        mevShareCaptureLogger.registerCapture(300 + childContractType, tx.origin);

    function activateRewardNewContract(bytes32 salt) external payable onlyOwner {
        MevShareCTFNewContract newlyDroppedContract = new MevShareCTFNewContract{salt: salt}();
        childContracts[address(newlyDroppedContract)] = 1;
        emit Activate(address(newlyDroppedContract));

    function activateRewardBySalt(bytes32 salt) external payable onlyOwner {
        MevShareCTFNewContract newlyDroppedContract = new MevShareCTFNewContract{salt: salt}();
        childContracts[address(newlyDroppedContract)] = 2;
        emit ActivateBySalt(salt);

contract MevShareCTFNewContract {
    MevShareCTFNewContracts immutable mevShareCTFNewContracts;
    uint256 public activeBlock;

    constructor() payable {
        mevShareCTFNewContracts = MevShareCTFNewContracts(msg.sender);
        activeBlock = block.number;

    function claimReward() external {
        require (activeBlock == block.number);
        activeBlock = 0;

There are two types of calls:

  1. activateRewardNewContract()
  2. activateRewardBySalt()

There are two flags in this chall.

Flag 1: activateRewardNewContract()

Event Stream



import MevShareClient, {
} from "@flashbots/mev-share-client"
import { Contract, JsonRpcProvider, Wallet, keccak256, getCreate2Address } from 'ethers'
import { MevShareCTFNewContracts_ABI } from './abi'

import dotenv from "dotenv"

const TX_GAS_LIMIT = 400000
const MAX_GAS_PRICE = 20n
const MAX_PRIORITY_FEE = 20n
const GWEI = 10n ** 9n

const RPC_URL = process.env.RPC_URL
const PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY || Wallet.createRandom().privateKey

const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(RPC_URL)
const signer = new Wallet(PRIVATE_KEY, provider)
const mevShare  = MevShareClient.useEthereumGoerli(signer)

const MevShareCTFNewContracts_ADDRESS = "0x5eA0feA0164E5AA58f407dEBb344876b5ee10DEA"
const mevShareCTFNewContracts = new Contract(MevShareCTFNewContracts_ADDRESS, MevShareCTFNewContracts_ABI, signer)

function transactionIsRelevant(pendingTx: IPendingTransaction, PAIR_ADDRESS: string) {
    return ((pendingTx.logs || []).some(log => log.address === MevShareCTFNewContracts_ADDRESS.toLowerCase())) &&
           ((pendingTx.logs || []).some(log =>[2] === '0'))

async function getSignedBackrunTx(nonce: number, pendingTx: IPendingTransaction) {
    const newContractAddress = "0x" + (pendingTx.logs || [])[0].data.slice(-40)
    console.log("newContractAddress: ", newContractAddress)
    const newContract_ABI = [
        "function claimReward() external"
    const newContract = new Contract(newContractAddress, newContract_ABI, signer)
    const backrunTx = await newContract.claimReward.populateTransaction({from: signer.address})
    const backrunTxFull = {
        chainId: 5,
        maxFeePerGas: MAX_GAS_PRICE * GWEI,
        maxPriorityFeePerGas: MAX_PRIORITY_FEE * GWEI,
        gasLimit: TX_GAS_LIMIT,
        nonce: nonce

    return signer.signTransaction(backrunTxFull)

async function backrunAttempt( currentBlockNumber: number, nonce: number, pendingTxHash: string, pendingTx: IPendingTransaction) {
    const backrunSignedTx = await getSignedBackrunTx(nonce, pendingTx)
    try {
        const sendBundleResult = await mevShare.sendBundle({
            inclusion: { block: currentBlockNumber + 1 },
            body: [
                { hash: pendingTxHash },
                { tx: backrunSignedTx, canRevert: false }
        console.log('Bundle Hash: ' + sendBundleResult.bundleHash)
    } catch (e) {
        console.log('Error: ', e)

async function main() {

    mevShare.on('transaction', async ( pendingTx: IPendingTransaction ) => {
        // console.log(pendingTx)

        if (transactionIsRelevant(pendingTx, MevShareCTFNewContracts_ADDRESS)) {
            const currentBlockNumber = await provider.getBlockNumber()
            const nonce = await signer.getNonce('latest')
            backrunAttempt(currentBlockNumber, nonce, pendingTx.hash, pendingTx);


Flag 2: activateRewardBySalt()

Event Stream


We can see the salt, so using getCreate2Address() we can compute the newContract’s address.



The creation code and ABI of the new contract can be found from any new contract deployed in flag 1. For example: