
In wave 1, we mainly follow the Plonk video series and read two articles for better understanding:

Video 1-6 cover fundamentals for absolute beginners in SNARK, I watched them for reviewing but won’t take detailed notes. You should know those concepts very well if you know Groth16:

✅ Part 7: A sketch protocol with our polynomial

How does PLONK work? Part 7: A sketch protocol with our polynomial

In the previous video, we have done Lagrange Interpolation to transform Plonkish arithmetic circuits into polynomials:

$$ f(x) = L(x) \cdot q_L(x) + R(x) \cdot q_R(x) + O(x) \cdot q_O(x) + q_C(x) + L(x) \cdot R(x) \cdot q_M(x) $$


<aside> 💡 The $f(x) = 0$ in the screenshot above means that $f(x)$ evaluates to 0 at $x = 1$ and $x = 2$.


Next we design an interactive proof protocol: